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PupBox 85% OFF Promotional Codes | February 2025
Take up to 85% Off The 1st Box with 3, 6, or 12 Month Subscriptions + Free Shipping at PupBox
Take 55% Off Storewide at PupBox
Get an Extra 53% Off Your First Box with 3, 6 or 12 Month Subscription Purchase at PupBox
Take an Extra 50% Off First Box at PupBox
Take 50% Off Storewide at PupBox
Take 50% Off Subscription - 3,6, Or 12 Month at PupBox
Take 50% Off Your Subscription at PupBox
Take $20 OFF The 1st Box with a 3,6, or12-Month Subscription at PupBox
Get an Extra 15% Off First Box at PupBox
PupBox May 2020 Review
PupBox is one more goodie box in my arsenal for keeping my dog occupied. While technically Oska is not a puppy anymore, I don’t see any reason why I couldn’t treat her like one. I believe that every dog is a child forever, kind of like a man.
The queen of our hearts likes cute toys and she looks so darn cute with them in her mouth that this is one of the reasons for this box. Many other subscription boxes deliver tough toys, which last longer, but don’t have that cuteness. Granted, sometimes I am the one obsessed with cuteness, but still, the box is not for me. The boxes for older dogs are marked as adult dog and include treats based on their size, so age is not a problem with PupBox.
PupBox costs $39 per month if signed up for monthly. The best way to save is to go for 12 months and pay just $29 per box with $14.50 for the first box. When you first start, you have to create a profile for your dog and answer a few quick questions to help them personalize your boxes. It really takes just a few minutes.
Each box comes full of toys, treats, chews, some accessories, and training advice. When it comes to training, I am always open for new tricks and tips. Oska has gone through professional training when she was very young, but as I said, I believe every dog can benefit from extra lessons, like my kids.
This box arrived with directions for a couple of fun games. And we really need games with this coronavirus keeping us restless, especially in California, where shelter in place rules are still ruling. Young pups and energetic dogs can drive us crazy with their attention needs, but let’s play a game together before we just toss them another bone to be occupied for a bit.
One game is hide and seek with steps how to get your dog interested and how to keep him going while you hide his favorite object further each time. Another game is treats in cups. This is really fun for me too! You have to put some cups upside down and hide a treat in one. After a few times of your pup watching this and getting the idea, you can shuffle the cups and get her to sniff to find treats. Both games are great for teaching sit and stay commands and also for time killing together.
This is what else we got in this space themed box besides the games’ instructions:
Spunky Pup Alien Flex Plush Dog Toy-Stixx
This is exactly what I meant when I was talking about cute toys. How much cuter can this get? It’s red, with little hands, with tiny feet, and with one tooth poking. It won’t have a long life in our house, but it will be well loved life and full of adventures.
Barkworthies Duck Jerkey 2-pack
This treat is great for a reward or for training if broken in smaller pieces. Oska is a good girl, so she deserves the entire thing for being that way and I doubt if we will be breaking these duck goodness in smaller stuff.
Gnawsome Light & Squeak medium ball
Show me a dog that doesn’t love balls! Oska is no exception. This ball has little spikes for gum massage and plenty of rolling action for chasing. Make sure you wash it from time to time as it tends to pick up dust and hair from the floor when rolling while covered in drool.
Spunky Pup Alien Flex Meteor
Flex meteor is a fancy snack holder that can also roll around. Oska loves sniffing and figuring out different ways to get treats from this strange red thing. She even plays by herself with it from time to time, allowing us some relief from dog games.
PupBox Alien Dog Treat, Cheese and Bacon
Last but not least, this bag is full of goodness and smells good from the distance. The treats can be broken in smaller pieces as well or given as whole. We went for the entire thing and Oska loved them, if drooling can be any indication of that.
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