Pete the Cat has been my younger son’s favorite book series for quite some time now. We made sure he fell in love with books early on and for life. I was a single child and grew up with books as my best friends, so even though my son has an older brother, I wanted to make sure he discovers the magical world of books.
My strategy to read to him since he was born is paying off and Michael is more and more interested in books – so much so that he insisted on learning how to read before he even turned 5. We all, of course, happily obliged and helped him learn, because who wouldn’t?
Michael is interested in various books, but he has some special connection to Pete the Cat. Knowing this, I am always on the lookout for these books wherever I go – neighborhood boutique book stores, libraries, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and especially used book stores online, like I even check out local social media marketplaces, which I am not a big fan off.
While all my strategies produce some results, we are always hungry for more Pete the Cat books. Recently I decided to check out one of my favorite go-to stores. Personalization Mall has been my faithful friend every time I had to find special gifts for special people in my life. Or when I wanted to buy something cute and personalized for myself, because the queen deserves it too.
As it turns out, Personalization Mall not only has Pete the Cat books, but can make them personalized. Once I learned that, I was beside myself imagining Michael’s face when he will open a book about himself inserted in Pete’s story. As always with Personalization Mall, I didn’t have to wait too long for that to happen. It takes them just 1-2 days to personalize anything and then a few extra for shipping, unless you want to pay for expedited shipping.
I was also more than happy to use a coupon for 20% off $50+ orders. My order was more, because I also decided to get Michael a custom-made backpack to celebrate the beginning of new school year. The backpack features balls from various sports and his name, and is perfect size to fit his stuffed Pete the Cat and his favorite books.
Personalization Mall also offers free shipping on orders of $35 or more. In addition to these both coupons, you can always find discounted items at Sale section and various seasonal discounts. There are always ways to save at Personalization Mall and it’s my favorite part.
See more Personalization Mall Offers:
- Extra 25% Off with promotion code pmgift25
- $5 Off Your Purchase of $25 or More with code PMDEAL525
Long story short, when Michael received the new Pete the Cat book, it took him a minute to see his name in the title and a foreword from his mom, dad, and older brother.
But when he realized what’s going on, he almost cried!
The book is about Michael’s magic blue sunglasses and so now we are on the lookout for blue sunglasses.
Besides the search for those blue glasses, we will soon be ordering more personalized books from Personalization Mall, because the little reader insists, naturally.
And that’s OK, because there is still plenty of space in his new backpack.