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Dollar Shave Club 30% OFF Coupon Codes
Receive 60% Off Shave Products Bundles at Dollar Shave Club.
Get Your $9 Starter Set + Free Shipping at Dollar Shave Club
Take 15% Off Starter Kit Plans at Dollar Shave Club
Get $5 DSC Credit When You Refer a Friend at Dollar Shave Club.

Shop Blades Starting at $4/Month at Dollar Shave Club.

Gift Cards starting from $10 at Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club Subscription Box Review
With so many different subscription boxes for women, men can feel underrepresented. This is where Dollar Shave Club comes in. The service is affordable and delivers high quality products that are not just for shaving, but also shower, grooming, oral and skin care. The subscription box is loved by men who don’t have time or desire to invest time in shopping for beauty products, but love to take care of themselves.
When you first start out with this subscription service, you are offered a trial set for shower, shave, or both. It costs $10 if you order both, or $5 each if you want to try just one of them. You can also buy individual items from these sets for $1.70 – $8. Expect to get razors, pre-scrub, shave butter, post-shave products, shampoo, and body or face cleaners.
You can also skip the trial boxes and their small size products and go for the real thing right away. Dollar Shave Club boxes are very customizable. You can choose to get a box every month, every two or every three months. You can choose your products and how many of them you like to be delivered each time.
Razors are the most popular items at Dollar Shave Club. You have to choose what kind of razor cartridges you’ll need and how often, and the handle will be shipped to you in a separate box at no cost. This is what kinds of razors you can choose from:
- 5 Humble Twin 2-bladed cartridges – $4/mon
- 4 4X 4-bladed cartridges – $7/mon
- 4 Executive 6-bladed cartridges – $10/mon
The Executive deal is the greatest value and the best shave, especially if done with shave butter.
There are so many other great products men can choose to be included in their boxes – hydrating citrus face cleaner for youthful skin is just one example, but it’s spectacular.
Dollar Shave Club offers discounts on larger orders. You can choose how many products you want to receive and if you order 2-3 items, you will get 5% off, 4-5 items will bring 10% off, and 6+ items will be discounted by 15% with the Handsome Discount.
With Dollar Shave Club you can enjoy savings and quality and have no need for disposable razors from your grocery store or boring Gillette stuff. Dollar Shave Club will make you feel like royalty and will help you take the best care of your skin.
Subscription service like this is especially important now, along with all other services that cater to all of us sitting at home on quarantine or while self-isolating to avoid getting infected with corona virus. The fact that we are at home doesn’t mean that we need to let go of our beauty and grooming routine. We will see others on camera and we will eventually emerge from our homes to resume life after the danger is over. While we should avoid grocery and other stores, getting deliveries is a much safer option. Looking good might help you feel good and that’s a win in itself during these unprecedented times we are going through.
As we mentioned above, Dollar Shave Club is a lot more than just shaving necessities, so check them out and you will definitely find something you might use for great value.
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